Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Why most relationships fail

I am quite sure that everyone reading this post has been in a relationship that failed; I have not come across or heard of a person who has only dated and married ONE person in their life. I back up this statement by looking at some divorce rates. A survey conducted in 2002 shows the following percentages of new marriages that ended in divorce: ·   Sweden - 54.9% ·   Russia - 43.3% ·   USA - 45.8% These stats are...

Friday, 4 May 2012

My best friend's new girl

Today I had the pleasure of meeting my best friend's new girlfriend, I think they have been dating for about a month now. I basically got tired of hearing about this amazing, beautiful girl and decided to go meet her. I like her so far, she seems cool and interesting. It's always amazing for me to see two happy young people in the early stages of a relationship, where life is full of joy and excitement. I feed off that sort of energy and it inspires me to some degree. I can honestly say that I enjoy (for a lack of better words) seeing such happen! The reason why I feel this way is because I am kind of dissapointed with how the majority of us...

Monday, 30 April 2012


Woman was made from the rib of man. She was not created from his head to top him, nor from his feet to be stepped upon. She was made from his side to be equal to him, beneath his arm to be protected by him, near his heart to be loved by hi...

Friday, 27 April 2012

In love

I honestly fail to understand why most guys my age prefer not to be in love. What is it about being in love that they despise so much that they rather label themselves as players or bad boys and so forth. I can honestly count with my one hand how many guy friends I have who are openly, happily in love. It's amazing. Being in love and loved is possibly one of the best feelings in the world. I decided in my last year of highschool already that when...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Can you imagine life without your partner?

Have you ever considered what life would be like without your man or woman? How it would impact your life, and what things in your life would change as a result thereof etc Chances are, when things are going well in the relationship, such questions are the very last thing on your mind. This can be both good and bad, but more to the good side. It is good that you dont ask yourself these questions because it implies that everything is really going...

Monday, 23 April 2012

Your girlfriend and your girl friend

I bet some of you are confused by the above title of this post and think I made a typo? Nope! The issue here is your relationship with your girlfriend (your partner), somewhat clashing with your friendship with your female friends or friends of the opposite sex. The term JELOUSY is obviously the very first thing that pops up when I think about this scenario. It is very easy for your friends to say that since being with your girlfriend you guys dont hang out and do the things you used to, it is even easier for your girlfriend to perhaps become jelous of the relationship you have with these female friends. Its just complicated! The way I deal with...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Thinking back

So many regrets I have about my past, as specially when I ask myself if the cheating was all worth it. But of course, it really wasn't. It was an excuse of an escape route of some sort I guess, I don't know. Well, theres no use feeling sorry for myself forever, I had to take responsibility for my actions and face the music at some point or the other. I'm really glad I have found myself though. I'm glad I managed to get out of the frame of mind I was in, as quickly as I got into it. I laugh to myself when I look at guys out there who walk around feeling proud to be "players". What is even funnier though is the awkward silence I get when...

Staying in an unhappy relationship

Why is it that some people decide to stay in unhappy relationships? This is rather puzzling isn't it. I'm sure you know of atleast one person in your life who has been in such a situation? Although there are literally thousands of reasons why, I'm going to mention a few. 1) Fear of the unknown - Being in a serious relationship suggests that you invested your time and effort into the relationship. Furthermore, it means that you have developed a certain lifestyle and habits which directly results from you being in a relationship. Now letting go and having to change your habits and lifestyle may seem like too much for some people. 2) Shame or Failure...

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Dont lose out!

Hi all! As you can see, this blog is still in its early stages, and there is plenty where the previous blogs came from. Therefore I urge you to bookmark or subscribe to this blog so that you dont miss a single post. Thank...

Monday, 16 April 2012

From player to prayer

Today I talk a little bit about how I overcame something which I think many men go through. The story behind cheating Although the topic of why men cheat is for another post, I think we should should shed some light there first. Studies have shown that men are more likely to cheat on their partners, and that there are quite distinct differences between why a man would cheat and why a woman would cheat. And with evolutionary psychologists telling...

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