Thursday, 19 April 2012

Staying in an unhappy relationship

Why is it that some people decide to stay in unhappy relationships? This is rather puzzling isn't it. I'm sure you know of atleast one person in your life who has been in such a situation?

Although there are literally thousands of reasons why, I'm going to mention a few.

1) Fear of the unknown - Being in a serious relationship suggests that you invested your time and effort into the relationship. Furthermore, it means that you have developed a certain lifestyle and habits which directly results from you being in a relationship. Now letting go and having to change your habits and lifestyle may seem like too much for some people.

2) Shame or Failure - It's just not easy for you to get to a point where you can admit that the relationship has run its course and should now end. As specially having to explain to other people that you and so and so are not together anymore because of this and that. It's even worse when there are children involved.

3) Things will change - This should have probably been number one on the list! Obviously every relationship has its ups and downs you know, but there is a very fine line between normal "disagreement" type of arguments and unacceptable abusive arguments. The trick here is to critically analyse your own situation once every while. I.e do you argue about the same things over and over again?

4) Security - This can be associated with number 1 and 3. Some people are with their partners because they NEED something from them. Be it money, fame, a roof over their head, etc, and the fear of loosing all of that is not worth it.

(My suggestion - your happiness is something you should never ever under any circumstance give away. Therefore, be objective and really ask yourself if you are doing what makes you happy)


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