Monday, 16 April 2012

From player to prayer

Today I talk a little bit about how I overcame something which I think many men go through.

The story behind cheating

Although the topic of why men cheat is for another post, I think we should should shed some light there first.
Studies have shown that men are more likely to cheat on their partners, and that there are quite distinct differences between why a man would cheat and why a woman would cheat. And with evolutionary psychologists telling us(men) that we are wired to lay our seeds in as many women as possible to ensure our genetic survival, adultery is slowly becoming a defensible misdeed
I have also suffered from this very "cheating syndrome" at one point in my life, and hopefully never again. I find it mind blowing how it happens so simply and soon spirals out of control!
There is always a reason for cheating, and most of the time it is the fact that there is a problem that one is trying to avoid. Cheating starts off as a quick-fix for the couple's integrity, when leaving the relationship seems too hurtful or simple "too much".
With that said, my little thrill-seeking-adventure did not take too long before I wanted out, and that came about by me having to mend a heart which I cut deeply by my cheating ways. The good thing about me, which I am proud of, is that I realised how wrong I was quickly and tried my best to deal with it immediately.
As mentioned in the post more about me, I starting praying to God asking for forgiveness and to make me a better person, and I honestly think that helped. Anyway!

 How to avoid cheating

Here are a few guidelines which should help you not to cheat:
  1. Talk to your partner. Having a strong, open partnership in which you can talk freely is important to keeping that bond strong. The basis of a good long-term relationship is more than sexual, it has to be a friendship.
  2. Avoid potential cheating traps. Most men are smart enough to know the potential traps that lead them down the road to becoming unfaithful men. So if you truly want to avoid that scenario, simply steer clear of these situations. E.g. Avoid meeting alone with anyone that you feel attracted to sexually or romantically and do not confide personal details to anyone that you may feel attracted to.
  3. Stay intimate. Physical contact in a strong relationship should involve more than just actual sex. Intimate touch, from stroking hair to massaging to simply holding each other, is key to keeping those bonds strong.

The ball is ultimately in your court. As with anything in life, you have a choice of whether to cheat or not. Make the right choice.


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